
Advancing the Culture


Welcome to Hiphopmanor! The purpose of this site is to provide a resource for you to grow professionally and personally.  We all come from different walks of life. One thing that unites us is a common culture, hip hop.  Depending on your age you grew up with a variety of artists. We grew up with artists that promoted partying and having fun. We also had artists that made you think about social issues or painted a picture of life and circumstances that may be foreign to you but at the same time, enlightening.  There comes a time when you want more out of life.  It starts with the desire to want to make changes. Once you commit to make positive changes we can assist you on your journey. Our blogs will contain information about financial, professional and personal suggests to make progress.  We are also here to help those who have a vision but aren’t sure on how to make it happen.  We offer services to help you attain your professional goals and also for small businesses or individuals who want to start a business. You can learn more  in our Services page.